Monday, February 19, 2007

Just some touching up, really...

While the Fort area in Bombay is completely littered (oops, wrong word) with all these old buildings, amazing relics from British and immediatelly post-Independence India, the sad part is, many of them are in a state of disrepair. So they regularly go in for 'renovation'. Mahendra Chambers, right opposite VT station, and perhaps most wel-known now for the McDonalds outlet it houses on the ground floor, has been (so to say) 'under wraps' for almost all the time I've been in Bombay. And then, the other week, while walking to the station from work, I noticed that the covers are OFF!

Of course, now it's the turn of the HSBC building on Bank Road, Horniman Circle, to come under the architectural burkha.

Seriously though,... green???

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