Thursday, March 29, 2007

Go Fish!

Observe. The fisherman pants from the land of eternal sunshine, Goa. OK, so that was cornily put and those are pink pants (magenta!) which go around your butt and you draw the ends of the string together to put it all in one piece. Devilishly comfortable. Though the family hates it. I love the fisherman look.

Perfect for a nice lazy Sunday brunch, na?

(O, and yes, that;s my messy room, complete with 6 foot narcissistic mirror, loads of books and photo frames and painted mango crates with clothes inside.)


pepe M. said...

its damn cool! but i would suggest dont pair it with a full sleeve...either shirts or sleeveless should do eh?
i so love it! got a vietnamese version here too but my sis stole it! hahaha!

pepe M

livinghigh said...

pepe - yes, o great fashion guru. lol.