Sunday, November 12, 2006


Seen in the picture:
1. miniature flag - stolen from office of job no. 2, after the cheapskates refused to give a holiday for Independence Day.
2. Bausch & Lomb contact lens solution for my eyes.
3. framed print of some famous picture, obtained free of cost from an art auction press conference during the journo days. It was a Neville Tuli event, and the prices were simply staggering.
4. books: Jamie O'Neill's At Swim, Two Boys and Suketu Mehta's Maximum City. Read and loved Suketu - yet to start on O'Neill.
5. plug from my standing mashaal/garden lamp, which I've put up in a corner of my bedroom.
6. birthday card I received from brother darling, earlier this year. Yes, it's mushy.

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