Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Back home in Calcutta, my mum and grandma would go shopping at the Gariahat market for little knick knacks every Saturday evening, and invariably return with a pair of new but not-so expensive slippers for mum. My mum loves shoes - even though she abhors spending more than Rs 500 for a pair. And while I used to joke about her shoe-fetish then, it turns out that her genes are pretty strong in me. :) That's my shoe-box up there - a crate stuffed with all ten pairs of them. My inexpensive Oshos (two pairs), my white Nike sneakers, my black Adidas sneakers, my black leather office-going shoes, my tapering black witchy-bitchy shoes, my hyper-expensive white Red Tapes, my all-weather Lee Cooper slip-ons, my felt brown Gasoline sneakers and my Woodland boots.

Back home in Calcutta, I have another pair of Adidas sneakers, a Holyfield pair in brown leather, black-and-brown twins of forgotten heritage, and a couple more sandals.

It's obvious, I don't share my mum's abhorance for the upwards Rs 500 price tag. *sigh*

1 comment:

Casablanca said...

My shoe fetish is so well known to all my friends now, that one of them gave me a Shoes 2007 calendar for a christmas present. *gulp*